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OptimizerPS virtual pump station assessments can provide the following:

Pump Runtime Histogram

Pump Runtime Histograms

A diagram that visually represents typical daily runtimes and pump usage patterns and identifies overloaded stations.

System Head vs. Pump Performance

System Head vs. Pump Performance

Design, field, and model data evaluation of pump performance compared to the piping system helps determine existing performance trends.

Force Main Analysis

Force Main Analysis

Performance evaluation of the outlet force main from each pump station provides a comprehensive picture of whether the system is operating efficiently or if maintenance is required to restore proper function.

Active Volume Analysis

Active Volume Analysis

Evaluation of wet-well volume for potential operational efficiency improvements to reduce wear and improve long-term system reliability.

Energy Consumption Analysis

Energy Consumption Analysis

Quantifying the cost of pump operation.


Maintenance and Project-Level Recommendations

Suggestions range from small-scale, routine tasks to major upgrades, replacements, or new installations.

Future Considerations

Future Initiative Considerations

Insight into possible pump station infrastructure initiatives.